The benefits with sports

As an organization we participate in various sporting activities like soccer for both boys and girls and netball for girls. This we normally do during Kenyan school holidays that normally comes in April, August and December.
Sporting activities have helped us as teachers to teach children important aspects of life that sometimes are never acquired in school. Some of the lessons sporting activities impart to children at the center are:
 1. Sporting activities at the center promote peace, love and cohesion among the children who come from different communities that have for once fought for resources like land in Kibera .
2. Sporting activities at the center also help in keeping the children busy. Bearing in mind that these children are normally not at school during the holidays and can engage in vices like alcoholism, drug addiction and child labor. Such activities interfere with the future of our children, something that that we as an organization crave for.
3. Sporting activities enables the children at the center to be strong and healthy. As it is said ,hard work without play makes Jack a dull boy.
4. Through sports, the children learn socialization, this enables them to freely share and communicate, overcome shyness and be philanthropic, this happens through sharing equipments such as balls.
By Dominic Omondi

Don Ochieng Owiti

My name is  Don Ochieng Owiti, am 17 years old. I am one of the sponsored children at KCE. I am in form four at Olympic High School and doing my final High school exams this year. I have a brother who is also sponsored in this same organization. I was sponsored in the year 2011 after doing my primary exams and performing well.
Since being sponsored the organization has transformed me greatly and the kibera community at large. The organization has transformed the education lives of many children in kibera that would have been buried were it not for you. The organization has ensured that the children are provided with the necessary learning materials, paying their school fees in time and ensuring that nothing hinders their growth educationally.
Despite sponsoring kids education,the organization has also set up a centre where both sponsored kids and non sponsored kids can go read, do their homework and get assistance with school work from our able teachers at the Centre. Children are also allowed to borrow books which are normally returned after one  has read, this has enabled many children to perform well in school. Our parents have also been great full for all that the organization does in the provision of books, because buying books is normally expensive bearing in mind that Kibera is a slum and associated with high levels of poverty.
Despite of books in the centre the organization also has different playing materials for the kids.Many children spend their time in the centre normally on Saturdays, this has enabled children to keep off vices that are associated with slum life. Indeed KCE has become my second home.
Author: Don Ochieng Owitit

Ramadan Celebrations

Muslims across the world, including Kibera where  30% of the residents are Muslims, are all in celebration to mark there greatest religious world event which normally comes with various rules on fasting  and times to pray. Ramadan is the month when Koran was revealed to the prophet. Muslims are therefore expected to dedicate themselves to prayer and reading of Koran. This explains the need to fast.
At the center  we have two children who have joined their fellow faithfuls in celebrating Ramadan. Ramadan starts on 1st or 2nd of July and lasts for  a period of 29 or  30 days depending on the crescent of the  moon.

The celebration comes in with a few  rules;

1.All Muslims participating in Ramadan are expected to  wake up at 3am in the morning to eat, prayer comes in at 5am after eating. One is expected not to eat anything the whole day till 6pm in the evening. This timetable is to be followed for the 29 or 30 days during Ramadan.

2.The sick and pregnant women are not allowed to participate in Ramadan.

3.Ladies undergoing menstrual cycle are also not allowed to participate in Ramadan.

4.There should be no sexual engagement among participants even for the married couples during this Ramadan period


Author: Dominic Omindi, teacher

Temperatures are low right now

Most of the world have high temperatures now, but it is winter season here in Kenya again. The temperatures are very low, particularly in the morning and during the nights, so it is encouraging for one to carry a sweater because it may extend to September. It is also nice to have some warm food and drink when you think it is a little bit cold.


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Saba Saba Resolutions

On the 5th of July we wrote about the political tension in Kenya and the mass action, populary known as Saba Saba. On the 7th of July demonstrations took place in Nairobi and we had to keep the centre closed.
They made 13 resolutions as follows;
1.We today launch OKOA KENYA, a peoples movement to defend our constitution, support one another in good and in bad times, protect the gains we have made in our democratic governance and rededicate ourselves to national unity and peaceful co-exsistance
2. Demand the current administration to address the escalating cost of living by reviewing taxation regime failure to which we will boycott consumption of goods and services whose prices are beyond the reach of common man and commence commercial suctions against companies which continue to ignore our plight
3. Convince an all inclusive national referendum committee for the purpose of preparing the people of Kenya for a referendum
4. Mandate the national referendum committee to ensure maximum participation for the people of Kenya at the county, sub county and ward level all over Kenya in formulating referendum questions, collecting one million signatures to initiate the referendum process
5. Having lost confidence on the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) we now demand its immediate disbandment and establishment of a new electoral body
6. Demand immediate end to corruption, wasteful spending reckless borrowing within and by the current administration
7. Demand that the Govt takes immediate steps to withdrawal our gallant solders from Somalia and join our forces in securing our National from home
8. Demand that the current administration takes visible and decisive actions to deal with run away security
9. Reject attempts by the executive through Govt to bastardize the report of the truth justice and reconciliation commission and demand immediate implementation of the original report
10Demand that the current administration immediately address underlying land issues that are at the heart of the most enduring historical injustices and conflicts in our society
11Demand national audit and publication by the public service commission of all appointments made in public services by the current administration with full details listing names ethnic backgrounds and percentages
12.Recognizing the current administration has failed to apply national resources equitably across the country, we demand 40% of the projected ordinary revenue of the current fiscal year be allocated to the county government
13.Demand national audit on how resources at the disposal of the national current administration are applied across the country
Author: Dominic Omondi, teacher

Political tension in Kenya

Raila Amollo Odinga (born January 7, 1945), also popularly known to Kenyans as Agwambo, is the Prime Minister of Kenya in a coalition government.


Since the return of Kenyan opposition leader Raila Amollo Odinga from a 3 month holiday in Boston America on 31/5/14, Kenyan political scene has been a bee hive of activities that has led to the rise in political temperatures.
Raila Odinga has been demanding for national  dialogue with the government to address issues that have been affecting Kenyans lives which includes; [separator]


2.unemployment among youth

3.high cost of living which has made inflation to hit at 7.39% in June from 7.30%  in May

4.failure to implement devolution as enshrined in constitution

5.ethnicity in public appointments

6.implementation of truth, justice and reconciliation report which was to address historical injustices meted upon Kenyans by our first leaders

7.disbandment of independent  and boundary commission which opposition claims did not carry out free, fair and transparent elections


The opposition leader gave an ultimatum that failure by the government to convene national dialogue conference will make him lead Kenyans to mass action on 7/7/2014, popularly known as Saba Saba (7/7) in our local dialect.


Author: Dominic Omondi, teacher


The most enriching time of my life

After a three month volunteer period in Nairobi at KCE I’m now back in Sweden to continue the work as a board member. Before I left for Kibera in January 2014 I had no idea what to expect  from KCE and Kibera, so a bit confused I got on the plane from Copenhagen towards my new home and workplace. During my time at KCE in Kibera I fell in love with the culture, the centre and all wonderful and blithesome people I met in my daily interactions. Before I left I knew THAT I WANTED to do volunteer work but now after this experience I also know WHY I NEEDED to do this type of work, because the love and appreciation I got from these smart and playful kids in return for my contributions was so rewarding and motivating.


I not only made friends for life and helped these kids towards a brighter future, they also helped me understand what’s important in life and the importance of living in the moment!


Author: Carl-Johan Haglund, Board Member KCE

How to prepare dried meat stew

Many people in Kenya think that dried meat stew is very delicious, so we thought of sharing this recipe with you. We eat it with rice or ugali, a dish of maize flour cooked with water to a porridge- or dough-like consistency.
250g dried meat
4 carrots
curry powder
2 onions
1 bunch of kale
50g cooking fat
3 tomatoes
1. soak the meat for 30-40 minutes then cut into small pieces
2. cut onions and fry in fat till soft.
3. add the meat and fry till brown.
4. add tomatoes, curry powder
and salt.
5. add water and cook slowly.
6.wash and cut the kale then add into the meat. Cook until almost ready.
7. add carrots and cook for another 5 minutes.

Serve with hot rice

Girls discuss…

In our group discussion, we discussed about dressing code. The question was: how are we supposed to dress? We should dress up in a way we feel comfortable and also consider weather.
1.Diana: I feel comfortable when I am simple and smart.
2.Mary: I wear light clothes when it is particularly hot
3.Phenny: I follow fashions so as to cop up with every trend in town