“My first visit to Nairobi and the large slum area called Kibera was in 2004. Of course I was saddened by the poverty and overcrowding, but I was also filled with hope when meeting the children. They were curious, filled with energy and dreams about a better future. To support KCE centre has been a way to support some of these children, my husband and I have also sponsored a girl through both primary and secondary school and now she isĀ studying Information Technology at the university! A small monthly contribution for us has probably been life changing for her and her family. I am so happy to be part of KCE.”
A new garden at the new centre
On Saturday kids and staff work to improve the garden at the new centre. Cleaning up the backyard and decorating so we can have a nice playground for the children who visit us. The tires will be home for plants!

Thanks to our sponsors we had a great Christmas party at the center and also could give our sponsored children food packages for Christmas. A lot of Children came and a lot of Pilau was served!

Kibera Children Education KCE centre has moved!
The old place was sold so we found a new place nearby. A bit bigger and really nice. The staff is very pleased with it and the kids are thrilled. More room for kids! The children will help improve the outdoor premises and we will need new furniture so the kids can sit while doing homework, reading, painting, or eat the small meal we provide after school.
The KCE centre is open!
From November we have been able to open KCE centre in Kibera. We only allow 20 children due to corona still being a threat in Nairobi, but it feels good to be able to provide a safe and fun place for children during these dark times. Schools are still mainly closed in Nairobi so it is also important that the children can come and study with the help of our staff including two teachers. At the moment we are open during the day and also serve a small meal since times are even tougher than usual for the children. We also provide food packages for some families and we hope to have a small Christmas party at the end of the term!
Corona Virus Information
Corona virus has spread to Kenya and all schools have closed. So the KCE centre in Kibera is also closed for now. There is a curfew all night in Nairobi and lots of businesses have closed as well, so there is a lot less people and traffic around. Our staff Liz and Snaida are cleaning and disinfecting the centre with the help of Boniface, a former sponsored student. We want to keep the staff and the centre during these trying times so the KCE organisation need all contributions from sponsors so we can open the centre as soon as it is safe and keep on helping kids in Kibera slums to a better future.
Christmas Party
KCE had our traditional Christmas party in December. It was very popular with lots of food, cake, singing and dancing. This year more kids attended than ever before!
CEO Anna Svanberg, from Move Management, one of our main sponsors, visited our centre in Kibera for Christmas. In the picture staff Snaida, Emma and Liz meet with Anna and her family. We are really glad that Anna could visit.
Update October 2019
Some of the activities at the KCE-centre in Kibera. On an average day there are between 20 and 40 children visiting the centre. Some of the activities include painting, playing, fotball, watching television, computer skills, singing, story telling and of course revision on different school subjects. On a Saturday there are as many as 50-90 kids. On Saturdays there is porridge and a snack for everyone and the children help out serving the food and washing up.
June Backyard
Staff and kids working hard to make the small backyard a nice place to play in, and also to grow some plants!
May Work Shop
2019 April Workshop, the first one this year organized by KCE Tumaini Watoto, the aim of this workshops is bring the teenagers and youths together as they get life skills to overcome and tackle life challenges especially in our communities. The workshop was conducted during the April holidays when schools were on recess we were targeting over 40 teenagers. The workshop was facilitated by Jairus Amwata and Mary from Focus Group Kenya.
The workshop started on 26th April in the afternoon with target group being mainly Teenagers and we managed to get 12 of them and 24 children. We had two classes for the teenagers and the children this made it easy for the two facilitators to facilitate and pass on the message with easy understanding for the two groups. The children were taken through Discipline and Friendship and relationships while the teenagers went through the 6 topics. There were life skills games in between the topics which made the workshop more engaging and entertaining as much as they learned. We provided Snacks on day one since it was in the afternoon while on Saturday we made uji, snacks and fruits for them and also the usual children who come for the uji and play sessions every Saturday.
In conclusion we would like to thank the participants for their time, coordination andcommitment. Facilitators, KCE Swedish board and KCE staff for the effort to make an impact to this generation for a better and brighter tomorrow.