These are the boys and girls who partake in the KCE sponsorship program for 2025. We are so proud to play a part in their lives.

These are the boys and girls who partake in the KCE sponsorship program for 2025. We are so proud to play a part in their lives.
One of the guests with a background in dental care, informed the kids how to brush their teeth and they all got a toothbrush donated from different companies. The guests made home visits to our sponsored children. So good to see our KCE centre with so many children and young people visiting on a daily basis. Our staff is doing an amazing job in providing a safe and educational place for all of them.
Marta and Karina from the KCE Swedish board visited the centre in Kibera, Nairobi in March. We spent a week visiting the centre and meeting staff and kids. We were really impressed with all the different activities that our staff involves the kids in. On the Saturday of our visit there were 104 kids at the centre! The small ones came in the morning and the older ones came at lunch and stayed for the afternoon. It’s a small house with small economic resources. .But it means the world to all the kids that come every day to get help with schoolwork, join in group activities and spend time with friends and our great staff at KCE.
Hello, my name is Sinaida jumba a staff at KCE.. I specialize in taking care of the young kids in terms of early childhood education.that is playing puzzles , reading out storybooks,, painting and other activities… I love my work.
My name is Elizabeth Opondo, a staff at KCE, am in charge of administration and finances at the centre. I do the co ordination of both the staff and kids and all the activities at the centre. I am a Diploma holder in project management and social studies. I was sponsored by the KCE management board. Working with kids is my passion.
My name is Grace Apondi,an alumni of Kibera Children Education and I work at the Centre. My primary responsibilities include maintaining cleanliness and preparing porridge for the kids on Saturdays. Additionally, I assist with various activities, such as helping the kids with their assignments after school.
Hej! My name is Desmond and i am so passionate on improving the well-being of young people all over. Please find what i do at the Library; Teach music, Conducting team building sessions for the kids, Photography, Assisting in reading sessions and tutoring for the children, Boys mentoring, and any other task assigned by my leaders.
From Left Desmond, Grace, Sinaida and Elizabeth.
Hej alla sponsorer! Styrelsemedlemmarna i KCE, Marta Andreasson Köhler, Kajsa Andreasson och jag var på ett givande besök i Nairobi två veckor i februari. Det var mycket glädjande att få vara med på plats och se hur väl vår verksamhet fungerar. Vi hade flera möten med våra medarbetare och tillbringade mycket tid på centrat med barnen. Emma Marichu, som varit vår administratör och “platschef” är tjänstledig för studier. Under hennes bortavaro har Liz och Snaida tagit över alla uppgifter med budget, betalningar, planering och inköp mm, vilket dom sköter med god kompetens. För att avlasta dem har styrelsen anställt Grace Apondi, fd sponsrat barn, nu en ung mamma. Grace städar, diskar gör mellanmål och lördags-gröt samt hjälper till med barnen. Hon är på centrat 10 timmar i veckan. Det var roligt att träffa Grace som verkar glad över sitt arbete och väldigt ansvarsfull. Det var också roligt att träffa flera av de tidigare sponsrade barnen, nu unga vuxna, som kommer regelbundet till centrat och hjälper till. Desmond har just avslutat universitetsutbildning och är mycket på centrat. Han ger gitarrlektioner och dataundervisning, Derrick sover på centrat som vakt, och är där på dagarna när han inte arbetar. Vi träffade Bonface, som kom upp från sitt jobb i Mombasa för att träffa oss och vi träffade Irene på hennes jobb på en fin restaurang. Shanice kom till centrat med sin lilla dotter, tre månader. Hon är sjuksköterska och har återgått till arbete efter tre månaders mammaledighet. Lucy och Grace är med i gruppen Young Mothers som träffas regelbundet på lördagar. Dom har bildat en stödgrupp med 8 andra unga mödrar som tillsammans jobbar med att hitta olika sätt att försörja sig. En del av de pengar dom tjänar läggs i en gemensam pott som medlemmarna kan låna från för nya projekt. Till exempel stickar en flicka mössor och kan låna pengar till material. Några flickor gör flytande tvättmedel som dom säljer och Lucy tillverkar en slags ryamatta. Liz har stödjande samtal med gruppen och ibland har dom inbjudna gäster.
Projektet är ett initiativ från Liz och Snaida och genom det får de unga mödrarna möjlighet att utveckla självförsörjning och deras barn får möjlighet att delta i vår verksamhet.
Syftet med vår förening är ju att stärka barns möjlighet att klara skolan och gå vidare till en utbildning som ger möjlighet till försörjning. Vi kan konstatera, efter vårt besök, att våra medarbetare gör ett mycket gott arbete. Det är många barn varje dag som deltar i olika aktiviteter på centrat som ger barnen stöd i skolarbetet och också stärker deras självkänsla och kreativitet.
På bilderna är det små och stora barn som äter gröt, Liz delar ut några blöjor till en av de unga mödrarna samt en gruppbild när vi hade möte med “Young Mothers”.
Vi tre som gjorde besöket kom hem mycket peppade att att fortsätta vårt arbete med KCE. Hoppas vi kan förmedla något av det fina arbetet som görs för så många barn med mycket små omständigheter, tack vare alla sponsorer!
Årsmöte sker den 30 mars enligt tidigare utskick. Välkomna att delta!
I am Lilian Monyani,born and brought up in Kibera slums from a family of seven with both parents.At this time our futures were uncertain, due to the huge number of siblings and the poverty state, my parents were unable to support all of us hence living from hand to mouth. Luckily at a young age through the school we were at, my sister and I got scholarship from an organization which has been able to support us all through. It has taken us through the education system furthermore provided us with food and some of our basic needs.We do not have to be great to start, but start to be great. Kibera Children Educational center (KCE) does this best by providing children both physical,emotional, psychological and financial needs,hence reducing drugs and substance abuse from youths.Most times children are at the center either doing art work, studying,games and even competitions among themselves. The organization provides books, playing games like football,ludos e.t.c. furthermore there are teachers who coach pupils every now and then, all this personally has enabled me to grow and also transition from my childhood to adulthood.It has enabled not only me but also other children to have strong minds and equip all of us with skills needed to create an equitable chance to academic success.It instills confidence, creative problem solving skills, communication skills and resilience to life challenges. In the slums there are lots of challenges but with KCE organization one is able to cope and transition successfuly.Personally I’ve gone through CBC, Primary,secondary and tertiary education through the help of KCE, being an alumni of it,it has taught me to keep moving,be strong and put my head up. At the moment I have a course in Community health and social work and granting my services back to the community its a pleasure. Always remember to stay motivated. The power to be the change we want to see is on our hands.We have liberty to choose our actions.Liberty to see opportunities out of challenges.No matter what you are going through always remember to stay motivated and true to your self,stay blessed as you persue your goals,strive to be a better you than yesterday and remember to keep the right circle with you.
I was taken to the center as a kid beacuse it was a source of hope for kids in the slum. I was taught how to read, write and speak good English. My education was catered for from lower primary until university where I completed my bachelor’s degree in Hospitality management. A kid from the slum who had no hope now works and able to earn a decent salary. I am aiming higher at my career level and with the knowledge gained through help from KCE I believe I Will attain all my goals. Thanks to Kibera Children Education center for continually touching vulnerable kid’s lives.
Very colourful! The kids are doing their homework with assistance of Liz and Snaida is serving snacks.
Thanks to sponsoring we managed to give 17 kids who are frequent visitors a special trip during the holidays. Kids really enjoyed the trip and learned about different species of animals.
We are now proud to be members of ForumCiv, a development cooperation organisation with around 170 members from Swedish civil society. ForumCiv works with human and civil rights and facilitates popular participation around the globe. KCE is looking forward to being part of this work, to learn from the experience of other organisations and develope with the help of ForumCiv.
“I am Miranda and I work as a photographer. I visited Kibera for the first time in January 2020.”