The workshop was organized by KCE Tumaini Watoto, this is after observing that we are losing quite a number of girls (Dropouts) to early pregnancy and peer pressure. The aim of the workshop was to enlighten the girls and also help them overcome the challenges. We did it in April since the girls were at home for the April Holidays and we were targeting over 20 girls. The workshop was facilitated by one Alex Ngaa and Emma Marichu both peer educators. We sourced an outsider so that the girls could be more engaging by having someone that they are not used too.
1. Definitions of different body stages
a. Adolescence
b. Teenage
c. Youth and
d. Adulthood
2. Changes that occur during the stages
3. Peer pressure
a. Types of peer pressure
b. How to overcome peer pressure
4. Challenges of Adolescence and Teenagers
a. Early Pregnancy
b. Lack of parental guidance
c. Drug abuse
d. Early Marriages
e. Love
f. Internet
g. STI and HIV
5. Menstruation and menstruation health
The girls were so expectant hence very cooperative during the three days. On the topic of challenges faced by adolescence and teenagers, the girls gave different types of challenges they face hence making it easy to tackle as per what they face and experience. The first day we had 25 girls who attended, the second day we had 24 as one dint not come due to home issues she was the one at home alone, the last Day we had a number of 25 girls as well the number was consistent hence a good start.
We provided lunch for the girls for the three days and the last day we gave them sanitary towels, this was in line with the days topic of menstruation and menstruation health as they were taught how to use the pads and also how to keep themselves clean during the menstruation period. This made the girls happy.
Challenges we had was, whether it was raining heavily in the afternoon hence we would leave early so that the girls can reach home safely, we also had challenges of girls coming with kids as young as 3 years as there were the ones taking care of them back at home and didn’t want to miss out on the workshop, one of the girls came with their kid who was below one year and would be forced to go and breastfeed during the sessions. We managed to keep the kids busy with painting and colouring with the help of Elizabeth and Snaida and also we took turns to babysit the young one so that the mother does not miss out.
In conclusion, I suggest that we will be having such workshops each holiday that is April, August and December and to make it all-inclusive that is for girls and boys and we can be having different topics during the workshops. Also, the girls talk to be done once a week during the holidays since that’s the time we will be able to reach the target group as they are in school during the term making it hard to have them then.
Thank you so much for the support accorded to us to facilitate the workshop and we hope for more. God bless you all.
Compiled by: Emma Marichu
Finance and Admin
KCE Tumaini Watoto




